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Maximum quantity allowed is 999
CAS RN: 99-33-2 | 产品编码: A5511
3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl Chloride [for HPLC Labeling]
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Appearance | White to Orange to Green powder to crystal |
Purity(Argentometric Titration) | min. 99.0 % |
Melting point | 68.0 to 71.0 °C |
Solubility in Toluene | almost transparency |
Effect test of HPLC derivatization | Effective as labeling agent for 1-Butanol |
NMR | confirm to structure |
熔点 | 70 °C |
沸点 | 201 °C/17 mmHg |
溶解性(可溶于) | 甲苯, 苯 |
象形图 | |
信号词 | 危险 |
危险性说明 | H302 + H312 + H332 : 吞咽、皮肤接触或吸入有害。 H314 : 造成严重皮肤灼伤和眼损伤。 H341 : 怀疑可造成遗传性缺陷。 H228 : 易燃固体。 H290 : 可能腐蚀金属。 |
防范说明 | P501 : 将内装物/容器送到批准的废物处理厂处理。 P260 : 不要吸入粉尘或烟雾。 P270 : 使用本产品时不要进食、饮水或吸烟。 P202 : 在阅读并明了所有安全措施前切勿搬动。 P240 : 容器和装载设备接地/等势联接。 P210 : 远离热源/火花/明火/热表面。禁止吸烟。 P234 : 只能在原容器中存放。 P201 : 使用前取得专用说明。 P241 : 使用防爆的电气/通风/照明设备。 P271 : 只能在室外或通风良好之处使用。 P264 : 作业后彻底清洗皮肤。 P280 : 戴防护手套/穿防护服/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。 P370 + P378 : 火灾时:使用干砂、干粉或抗醇泡沫灭火。 P390 : 吸收溢出物,防止材料损坏。 P308 + P313 : 如接触到或有疑虑:求医/就诊。 P362+P364 : 脱掉沾污的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用。 P303 + P361 + P353 : 如皮肤(或头发)沾染:立即脱掉所有沾污的衣物。用水清洗皮肤/淋浴。 P301 + P330 + P331 : 如误吞咽:漱口。不要诱导呕吐。 P301 + P312 + P330 : 如误吞咽:如感觉不适,呼叫急救中心/医生。漱口。 P304 + P340 + P310 : 如误吸入:将人转移到空气新鲜处,保持呼吸舒适体位。立即呼叫急救中心/医生。 P305 + P351 + P338 + P310 : 如进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。如戴隐形眼镜并可方便地取出,取出隐形眼镜。继续冲洗。立即呼叫急救中心/医生。 P406 : 贮存于抗腐蚀/带抗腐蚀衬里的容器中。 P405 : 存放处须加锁。 |
危化品序号 | 600 |
RTECS# | DM6637000 |
UN编号 | UN3261 |
类别 | 8 |
包装类别 | III |
监管条件代码(*) |
HPLC Labeling Reagent for Alcohols and Amines
The compound 1 is an HPLC labeling reagent, which easily reacts with a hydroxyl group or an amino group to form the corresponding ester or amide, respectively. The resultant ester or amide is stable and can reach the detector without any decomposition under reversed phase HPLC. An excellent chromatogram can be obtained by measuring at 254 nm, an absorption wavelength that is generally used for UV detection.
Application examples:
[Alcohols] 1)
Dissolve 1~5 mg of a sample in 5 mL of THF, and add 40 mg of the labeling reagent 1 and a few drops of pyridine. Close the cap of the reaction vessel and incubate the solution at 60 °C for 1 h. Cool the resultant solution to room temperature and use it as an HPLC sample.
Clean up before injection is recommended when pyridine or triethylamine is added to trap generated HCl. Generally, evaporate the solvent, extract with ether and wash the ether layer with diluted hydrochloric acid and water.
Analysis of mono- and diethylene glycols in polyethylene glycol2), aliphatic alcohols3)
[Alcohols] 1)
Dissolve 1~5 mg of a sample in 5 mL of THF, and add 40 mg of the labeling reagent 1 and a few drops of pyridine. Close the cap of the reaction vessel and incubate the solution at 60 °C for 1 h. Cool the resultant solution to room temperature and use it as an HPLC sample.
Clean up before injection is recommended when pyridine or triethylamine is added to trap generated HCl. Generally, evaporate the solvent, extract with ether and wash the ether layer with diluted hydrochloric acid and water.
Analysis of mono- and diethylene glycols in polyethylene glycol2), aliphatic alcohols3)
TCI Products Pamphlet
HPLC Labeling Reagents ( PDF 10MB )
HPLC Labeling Reagents ( PDF 10MB )
- 1)T. H. Jupille, Am. Lab. 1976, 8, 85.
- 2)M. A. Carey, H. E. Persinger, J. Chromatogr. Sci. 1972, 10, 537.
- 3)Y. Suzuki, N. Tsuchiya, Bunseki Kagaku 1981, 30, 240.
- 4)L. J. Elrod, L. B. White, S. G. Spanton, D. G. Stroz, P. J. Cugier, L. A. Luka, Anal. Chem. 1984, 56, 1786.
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