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About Our Products
TCI is a leading global manufacturer of fine chemicals for research and commerce. We manufacture more than 30,000 organic laboratory chemicals using our own original techniques. Many of these chemicals are highly specialized including a number of reagents available only through TCI. Our manufacturing techniques have been developed over the course of more than 70 years of synthesis experience.

We are able to supply a wide selection of fine and specialty chemicals by drawing upon our unrivaled expertise and sophisticated manufacturing techniques. With proven production experience and varied reaction capabilities, which rank us among the best in the industry, TCI can supply most compounds in sizes ranging from milligram to ton quantities.
For materials not commercially available, TCI is ready to discuss how we can perform a timely and efficient Custom Synthesis to meet your requirements. We have more than 70 years of custom synthesis experience behind us, ready to work for you. We can synthesize or scale-up using your methodology, or our own proven skills and experience.
In pursuit of meeting customer demands throughout the world, we have laid out an infrastructure which enables us to deliver our high quality reagents rapidly to customers worldwide by establishing overseas offices and plants in North America, Europe, China and India.