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CAS RN: 15663-27-1 | 产品编码: D3371
cis-Diammineplatinum(II) Dichloride
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产品编码 | D3371 |
分子式/分子量 | H__6Cl__2N__2Pt = 300.05 |
外观与形状(20°C) | 固体 |
储存温度 | 室温 (15°C以下阴凉干燥处) |
储存在惰性气体下 | 存放于惰性气体之中 |
应避免的情况 | 湿气 (分解) |
包装和容器 | 100MG-带有塑料内管的玻璃瓶 (查看图片) |
CAS RN | 15663-27-1 |
PubChem物质ID | 87558796 |
Merck Index (14) | 2317 |
Appearance | Light orange to Yellow to Green powder to crystal |
Elemental analysis(Nitrogen) | 8.90 to 9.80 % |
熔点 | 270 °C |
在水中的溶解度 | 2,530 mg/l 25 °C |
溶解性(可溶于) | 二甲基甲酰胺 |
象形图 | |
信号词 | 危险 |
危险性说明 | H300 : 吞咽致命。 H316 : 造成轻微皮肤刺激。 H319 : 造成严重眼刺激。 H360 : 可能对生育能力或胎儿造成伤害。 H362 : 可能对母乳喂养的儿童造成伤害。 H370 : 会损害器官。 H372 : 长期或反复接触会对器官造成损害。 H340 : 可能造成遗传性缺陷。 H350 : 可能致癌。 |
防范说明 | P501 : 将内装物/容器送到批准的废物处理厂处理。 P263 : 怀孕/ 哺乳期间避免接触。 P260 : 不要吸入粉尘/ 烟/ 气体/ 烟雾/ 蒸气/ 喷雾。 P270 : 使用本产品时不要进食、饮水或吸烟。 P202 : 在阅读并明了所有安全措施前切勿搬动。 P201 : 使用前取得专用说明。 P264 : 作业后彻底清洗皮肤。 P280 : 戴防护手套/穿防护服/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。 P337 + P313 : 如仍觉眼刺激:求医/就诊。 P305 + P351 + P338 : 如进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。如戴隐形眼镜并可方便地取出,取出隐形眼镜。继续冲洗。 P308+P311 : 如接触到或有疑虑:呼叫急救中心/医生。 P332 + P313 : 如发生皮肤刺激:求医/就诊。 P301 + P310 + P330 : 如误吞咽:立即呼叫急救中心/医生。漱口。 P405 : 存放处须加锁。 |
RTECS# | TP2450000 |
UN编号 | UN3288 |
类别 | 6.1 |
包装类别 | II |
监管条件代码(*) |
Quorum sensing inhibitor
- The Role of Drug Repurposing in the Development of Novel Antimicrobial Drugs: Non-Antibiotic Pharmacological Agents as Quorum Sensing-Inhibitors
Platinum Coordination Complexes as Antitumor Agents
The development of platinum coordination complexes as antitumor agents began in the 1960s, and the highest antitumor activity was exhibited by cisplatin, approved by FDA in 1978. Improved versions carboplatin [C2043] and oxaliplatin [O0372] were developed to avoid the serious side effects and the problem with resistance associated with the use of cisplatin.1-5)
The platinum complexes diffuse to the tumor cell, where they undergo hydrolysis displacement of their one chloride or carboxylate group leading to a platinum cation. The resulting cation coordinates to the guanine N7-position of DNA give a coordination cation. Then, intrastrand cross-linking occurs to anther guanine via further hydrolysis displacement of the remaining chloride or carboxylate. The forming [Pt(NH2R)2]2+ ― DNA complex distort the DNA helix (Fig. 1 and 2)6). Thus, DNA duplication is hindered, which ultimately triggers tumor cell apoptosis.3)
The platinum complexes diffuse to the tumor cell, where they undergo hydrolysis displacement of their one chloride or carboxylate group leading to a platinum cation. The resulting cation coordinates to the guanine N7-position of DNA give a coordination cation. Then, intrastrand cross-linking occurs to anther guanine via further hydrolysis displacement of the remaining chloride or carboxylate. The forming [Pt(NH2R)2]2+ ― DNA complex distort the DNA helix (Fig. 1 and 2)6). Thus, DNA duplication is hindered, which ultimately triggers tumor cell apoptosis.3)
- 1)G. Mathe, Y. Kidani, M. Segiguchi, M. Eriguchi, G. Fredj, G. Peytavin, J. L. Misset, S. Brienza, F. de Vassals, E. Chenu, C. Bourut, Biomed. Pharmacother. 1989, 43, 237.
- 2)L. R. Kelland, S. Y. Sharp, C. F. O’Neill, F. I. Raynaud, P. J. Beale, I. R. Judson, J. Inorg. Biochem. 1999, 77, 111.
- 3)D. Wang, S. J. Lippard, Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 2005, 4, 307.
- 4)S. Trzaska, Chem. Eng. News 2005, 83, 3.
- 5)L. P. Martin, T. C. Hamilton, R. J. Schilder, Clin. Cancer Res. 2008, 14, 1291.
- 6)A. Gelasco, S. J. Lippard, Biochemistry, 1998, 37, 9230.
Reagent for renal failure model
- Cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (DDP) induced acute renal failure (ARF): attempts at amelioration
- S. Chopra, J. Kaufman, W. Flamenbaum, Clin. Exp. Dial. Apheresis. 1983, 7, 25.
- Cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II)-induced acute renal failure in the rat: enzyme histochemical studies
- Cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II)-induced acute renal failure in the rat. Correlation of structural and functional alterations
- T. W. Jones, S. Chopra, J. S. Kaufman, W. Flamenbaum, B. F. Trump, Lab. Invest. 1985, 52, 363.
- Protective effects of dithiocarbamates against renal toxicity of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum in rats
- Celecoxib, a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, attenuates renal injury in a rat model of Cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity
- Effect of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate on the nephrotoxicity induced by cisplatin in rats
- Reduction of oxidative stress may play a role in the anti-inflammatory effect of the novel herbal formulation in a rat model of hydrochloric acid-induced cystitis
Reagent for nausea or vomiting model
- Cisplatin-induced emesis in the Ferret: a new animal model.
- A. P. Florczyk, J. E. Schurig, W. T. Bradner, Cancer Treat Rep. 1982, 66, 1, 187-189.
- The anti-cancer drug-induced pica in rats is related to their clinical emetogenic potential.
Reviews on the Biochemical Mechanisms of Action of Cisplatin
- Structure, recognition, and processing of cisplatin-DNA adducts
- Why does cisplatin reach guanine-N7 with competing S-donor ligands available in the cell?
- Biochemical modulation of cisplatin mechanisms of action: enhancement of antitumor activity and circumvention of drug resistance
- Cisplatin: mode of cytotoxic action and molecular basis of resistance
- Cellular responses to cisplatin. The roles of DNA-binding proteins and DNA repair.
- G. Chu. J. Biol. Chem. 1994, 269, 787.
- Cellular processing of platinum anticancer drugs
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