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CAS RN: | 產品號碼: A3495
ATP-Luciferase Cell Viability Assay Solution (1.0mL×10)
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* TCI會時常優化儲存條件,儲存溫度請以在線目錄為準,敬請留意。
Product Information
Volume : 1 mL x 10Description
This product is supplied as a ready-to-use reagent for the detection of intracellular ATP, based on the luciferin-luciferase system. The resulting luminescent signal has been tested to be linear between 20 and 10,000 cells / 100 µL / well, and can be used as an indicator of relative cell number / viability.
Directions for Use
- Thaw reagent on ice. Avoid more than two freeze-thaw cycles.
- Prepare cell samples in a 96 well plate (do not remove medium).
- Apply to each well a volume of ATP-Luciferase Cell Viability Assay Solution equivalent to the volume of culture medium in that well, pipette 4-5 times to mix, avoiding the introduction of bubbles, and allow to equilibrate for 10 minutes.
- Measure on a luminometer using a 1 second integration time. We recommend measuring all samples within 30 minutes of applying assay reagent.
Thaw on ice. Prolonged exposure to higher temperatures is known to irreversibly reduce luciferase activity. Once thawed, hold on ice until ready for use. Contains 30mM DTT and 2% Triton X-100. Dispose of according to your institutional regulations.
Store at -80°C. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.
[TCIMAIL No.193] Measuring Relative Cell Number with Our ATP-Luciferase Assay Reagent
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