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Application: Observation of biofilm treated with iCBiofilm-H1 or iCBiofilm-H2
iCBioflim-H1 (Product No. 4031) is applicable to clearing many kinds of biofilms. If the transparency with iCBiofilm-H1 is insufficient, iCBiofilm-H2 (Product No. T4032) can be used instead. Since iCBiofilm-H2 is prepared at high component concentration, iCBiofilm-H2 is available as a stock solution. Before addition to biofilm, iCBiofilm-H2 has to be diluted with deionized water to the appropriate concentration. (Undiluted iCBiofilm-H2 may work well.)
[Direction for Use]
Prepare a biofilm in a glass bottomed culture dish (35mm diam.).
After removing planktonic cells and the culture medium from the dish, add 1% glutaraldehyde solution diluted with PBS to fix the biofilm at room temperature for 30 minutes. To preserve immunogenicity for immunofluorescence applications, the use of 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS is recommended.
Remove the glutaraldehyde solution and wash three times with PBS or distilled water.
Stain the biofilm with appropriate fluorescence reagents.
Remove staining reagents and add iCBiofilm solution.
Application: Live-Cell-Imaging of Biofilms using iCBiofilm-D
[Directions for Use]
Prepare live-cell-imaging medium: Dissolve [1] Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) powder to twice the normal culture concentration and [2] glucose powder to a final concentration of 2% in deionized water and filter sterilize. Then mix with an equal volume of iCBiofilm-D (Product No. I1275) to make BHI medium containing 1% glucose with 50% iCBiofilm-D.
Add MitoTracker® Deep Red to the live-cell-imaging medium and culture Methicillin‐Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) in a glass bottom dish.
Observe the biofilm via microscopy to obtain time lapse images.
(MitoTrackerⓇ is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.)
Video of Live-Cell-Imaging of Bioflims using iCBiofilm-D
If clear images cannot be obtained or biofilm formation is prevented when first trying 100% iCBiofilm-D, try diluting iCBiofilm-D with culture medium at a ratio of 1:1 according to the above application method. If iCBiofilm-D must be used at the original concentration, but with culture medium, prepare live-cell-imaging medium using iCBiofilm-D in place of water.
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